Source : Unsplash
Crédits : @sjcbrn
“Oh God, I don’t have any idea of what we could eat darling…”, I said.
“I mean, as usual” she replied. “The day you will find an idea for dinner or, even better, will cook something, this day you could swear to God”.
I stared at her, grumbling: “Well, I see that you already forgot the pastas I cooked two weeks ago… I even put some tomato sauce in it with parmigiano”, I said with the worst Italian accent.
“Honey, you overcooked the pastas and it was not even ‘parmigiano’, but cheddar” she said in a breath. She added, smiling: “You don’t know the difference?”
“Of course, I know the difference, and you know what? Even my bank also knows the difference!”, I said while I was opening the fridge.
At this very moment, an idea came to my mind, and I looked at my girlfriend, who was still browsing a recipe on her laptop.
“And what about a culinary trip tonight?” I asked, full of confidence.
“You want to order the Mexican enchiladas thing?”, she said, not even looking at me.
“Nope: I will bring you to the most amazing taste of Asia. Through the steam of water and the smells of the sea”.
“I swear, if you are going to order sushi…”
“How dare you? I know the difference between China and Korea!”
“Japan honey…”
“Anyway, give me some space in the kitchen and I will bring you to heaven later” I said, pushing her out of the room.
I opened the freezer and took a pink pack where big Chinese words were written on it and opened it. The packaging indicated “Shrimps and Chinese leaf”, and I was sure that my doubtful girlfriend would be amazed by what we bought weeks ago in the Asian market.
I made some water boiling, put the dumplings in and started to prepare the table. I opened some soy sauce that I put in a little bowl and came back fast to the dumpling which already looked perfect.
“It is ready madam! Be there or be square!”, I scream.
She came back, looked at the dumpling and, surprised, asked: “How is it possible that you were so fast? You even prepared the sauce and the table.”
“Well, you know, my talents are really underrated”, I said, proudly.
She took her chopsticks, caught one of the steaming dumplings and put it in her mouth.
“Honey, it’s really sweet…”
“So, you like it right?”
“I mean, sure? If it is possible to still like frozen shrimps?”
Pierre Jouin